The Ghosts That Haunt Us 

For Violin, Clarinet, Cello and Piano

  • YEAR: 2020

    DURATION: ca. 12’

    INSTRUMENTATION: Violin, Clarinet, Cello and Piano

    AWARDS: Winner of The American Prize — Instrumental Chamber Music, 2023.

    PREMIERE: March 30,2021, Robert J. Werner Recital Hall, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, OH

  • 当新冠病毒开始爆发, 正值春节。本是合家欢聚, 喜气洋洋时全世界却进入了惶恐。我们什么时候才能战胜人类的共敌, 这个鬼魅, 新冠病毒?

    When Covid-19 started to break out during the Lunar Year Festival, the world did not prepare for this crisis. This piece quoted the motive from Spring Festival Overture by Chinese composer Huanzhi Li - as a celebration piece for the Lunar Year. However, after twists and turns, now it is a haunting, frightful joke, for what is supposed to be a time of happiness and reunification.


I was alone again in this unique darkness


The Last Fenghuang