Discord and Resolution - a Symphonic Poem

for full orchestra

  • YEAR: 2018, Revised in 2020

    DURATION: 11’

    INSTRUMENTATION: (3[1.2.3/pic] 3/Eh. 3/bcl. 3/cbsn, - – Timp+3, hp, ST,)

    PREMIERE: March 1, 2020, Patricia Corbett Theater, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, OH

    DEDICATION: My Father

  • This symphonic poem intends to depict the paradox of human mentalities and emotions. We all experience different feelings, and desires every day in our life. No matter what kind of emotions it is, good or bad, kind or evil, love, or hatrad, the conflict exists in everyone. However, until we find our inner peace, resolution may only be the delusion of a temporary compromise - as the various thoughts and feelings come back, or new desire arises, then a new cycle of discord and resolution begins.

    This piece is the first orchestral piece of mine, and it is a very personal one. It is about growing up, becoming mature, and comes to terms with myself and accepting myself.

    Lastly, I want to thank my father for believing my musical talent and support, encourage me to start a career in music. Thus, I dedicated this piece to him.


Symphony No.1 "Only Breath"