Everything I Never Told You

for cello and piano

  • YEAR: 2022/2024

    DURATION: 11’00’’

    INSTRUMENTATION: cello and piano

    ARRANGEMENTS: violoncello & string orchestra (Min. 10 8 6 4 2). Reduced strings count available by request.

    PARTS: Two movements.

    PREMIERE: Matthew Lei, cello, Suan Choi, piano at Cohen Family Studio Theatre, Cincinnati, OH, on April 9th, 2024

  • "Everything I Never Told You" is a two-movement work with drastic contrasting moods. The first movement features quintal/quartal block chord accompaniment in the piano while the cello performs a long phrasing melody, creating a sense of serenity and sadness. The second movement, a fast tempo scherzo-like piece, contrasts sharply with the first. It introduces lively motives and rhythmic pulsation, breaking the initial mood. Despite the new material, the second movement quotes many aspects of the first, creating a complete narrative with striking contrast.



